Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Almost Done!

The Joseph's Guild was back in action yesterday.  They came prepared with drills, anchors, and screws!  Their main job was to hang the projector, projector screen, speakers, bulletin board, and some pictures.  It's been cool to see people of all ages work in this room and "refresh" it for a new generation!  

My favorite part in the room is the "Memory Wall."  The wall literally highlights giant pictures from previous FLY retreats and trips!  It's a powerful reminder to me of how God has moved and is moving in teens' lives!  These FLY events have allowed youth to experience and grow in God's love.  The Memory Wall is a testament to these memories and memories to come...

This Sunday, Sr. FLY will be moving furniture back into Room 201.  There will be a lesson on Chapter 22 of "The Story" which is "The Birth of the King."  It's sort of fitting that the Christmas story will be the first lesson in the refreshed room... :)

On Sunday, March 3rd, there will be a brief "re-dedication service" at 10:10am in Room 201.  Everyone is invited to come and sign a special painting which will hang in the room.

The room is almost done...


New Tiles

Originally, we had a painting party scheduled for Feb. 8, but the event had to be cancelled because of a huge blizzard.  So we moved the painting party to Feb. 15 and some people came to paint new ceiling tiles... all 93 tiles!  The one evening job became a two-day job as the crew came back the next day to finish.  Some tiles, like the blue & green ones, needed second and third coats of paint.  The tile colors were chosen by an interior designer, which won youth approval last summer!  The painting crew did a fantastic job - as they rocked out to Gangnam Style and Frank Sinatra!

Saturday, February 9, 2013


This past week, Mike the electrician installed new light fixtures and they look AWESOME!  They are all energy-efficient LED lights and are controlled by dimmer switches.  A total of 12 pendant lights are spread throughout the room.  Two track lights with 4 spots each are on the east and west walls.  The new "front" of the room will be the east wall, instead of the north wall.  The track lights are flexible enough to highlight artwork, pictures, presenters, and musicians.

Next Friday (Feb. 15), youth are welcome to come paint new ceiling tiles for the room!  These tiles will hang together in "pods" throughout the room.  The exposed ceiling will be seen in between these pods. 

Once the new tiles are placed in the ceiling, there will be two major jobs left: hanging items (speakers, artwork & pictures) and moving the furniture back in!  The project is on schedule and should be complete by the end of this month!